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Film shot in Wainwright, AlbertaThose who contribute to the new media and film industry in Alberta include many forward thinking, creative, and learned people. In many cases, they must be constantly aware of the technological changes that occur in their sector and adapting as new opportunities arise.

Some of those profiled in this section are filmmakers, the best of a community that consistently produces award-winning works. Artists such as Anne Wheeler and David Winning have been pioneers in the local industry, bringing work to local actors, craftsman, and crew members.

In addition to the filmmakers, this site examines those entrenched in the comparatively young market of new media arts. This includes web designers and computer animators, those who have made an impact on Alberta's digital arts.

Television is a stable and ever-growing industry where many playwrights, actors, and directors turn as an alternative to a career on the stage. Actors such as Fred Keating have made their mark on Alberta's small but successful television community.

Rounding out the group are Alberta's animators. Though it is not a large group, these mainly independent artists comprise a tight-knit community who find support and recognition through organizations such as Calgary's Quickdraw Animation Society.

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Alberta film maker Denny Ransom talks finding local film crews to work on projects.Listen Now

Together, these groups of people make up Alberta's film and new media arts industry, and through efforts directed within their respective fields, are making an international name for themselves.

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