Every year brings exciting advances in new technologies that
revolutionize the film and new media arts industries. Individuals employed
in these fields are faced with the challenging task of maintaining the
most current knowledge needed to succeed in the industry. Those who are
most successful are also often those who surround themselves with a web of
support and contacts.
into three sections, the groups featured on this site are professional
associations, training institutions and granting institutions.
Professional Associations offer
up-to-date information to those involved in film and new media arts. By
hosting events, advocating for awareness of specific fields and educating
individuals, professional organizations are an invaluable resource.
Training institutions help to distribute the most current information to
those entering the new media fields. Institutions across Alberta offer
interesting, in-depth training programs whereby students can practice in a
hands-on environment. Whether one wants to learn about the latest in
digital animation, web design, television production or film and video
production, there are numerous extensive programs delving into the finer
points of each field.
Also featured are the province's granting institutions, essential to
sustaining the practice of art in Alberta.