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As the country steamed into wartime production one of the most noticeable elements of the war was the ideological one waged on Canadian soil. The proliferation of wartime propaganda sought to rally all Canadians behind the war effort. Sacrifices would have to be made. Lives and liberty were on the line.

Every man, woman and child had a role to play. Their support for the troops ensured that good triumphed over evil. The multimedia campaign to keep one’s mind on the war ensured that citizens did their patriotic duties.Without the moral and financial support of the populace there would be no hope of victory. The shadow of war stretched across the nation and all aspects of life was coloured by the hopes and fears of the battles being waged overseas. In essence, it was necessary for people to be re-socialized into a mindset of total war.

Xmas Display Ports Canadians Daddy Fishing Co.
Japan Kill Keep Mum Soldier Top That
Rumour Liberty Bonds Beware Movies
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            For more on Alberta during World War II, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.
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