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University of Lethbridge

Many students enter university hoping to learn more about the English language and literature in hopes of broadening their reading and writing skills. The study of literature also strengthens critical thinking and analytical skills, making students better equipped to handle both everyday and academic situations. The University of Lethbridge offers a few options for those interested in studying literature and creative writing.

Writing and literature courses at the University of Lethbridge.A bachelor of arts degree in English literature is offered through this university, requiring students to take 40 courses. This includes a minimum of 13 courses for the student's major. Students may take a maximum of 20 courses in a variety of literature areas, focusing on things such as genre literature, children's literature, Canadian literature, old and middle English, and renaissance literature.

In addition, the English Department offers two creative writing courses. An intermediate course, English 3800 and an advanced course, English 4800 give students an opportunity to write and critique the work of others. Independent courses in creative writing are available although these courses are not counted towards the minimum of 13 courses for the major. Independent courses are counted as options but are beneficial for English majors, since they allow students a chance to work on projects that interest them with the help of a professor.

Studying English Literature.The University of Lethbridge has a unique program entitled the 'Professional Certificate in New Media Technology'. Through this program, students learn about all aspects of new media including writing for new media, drawing/illustration, web/print design principles, computer graphics, animation and special effects. Various types of writing, including writing for television, interactive media, web authoring, and commercials are covered.

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