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Writers Guild of Alberta

Canada Council for the Arts

Alberta Foundation for the Arts

Writers Guild of Alberta

When 150 members of Alberta's literary community came together to establish a provincial organization to support their field, the result was the Writers Guild of Alberta (WGA). Since it was formed in 1980, the WGA has set about advocating funding for the literary arts and creating a support network for writers in the province. As of 2003, there were around 750 members of the Guild, ranging from career writers to those just starting out, and all others in between.

Rudy Wiebe.In the past, the WGA has sponsored events such as 'Banff Writing Retreats', where established writers give advice to those wishing to broaden their artistic horizons. The WGA also offers a manuscript reading service where, for a fee, a Guild member will read a submitted manuscript and offer feedback. Through such services, the organization strives to build a true community of writers.

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Featured Audio

Mary Walters Riskin, Executive Director in 1987, explains the Writers Guild of Alberta . Listen Now

One way to foster the practice of writing is to encourage interest in writing when people are young. To this end, the WGA puts on a youth writing camp, YouthWrite, every summer. The camp is held at Kamp Kiwanis, near the southern Alberta town of Bragg Creek, and offers teenagers a chance to meet and work with established writers and people their own age. The camp is reasonably priced and has been a success not only amongst participants (many of whom book their attendance a year in advance) but also in attracting support from Alberta's corporate community. In 2003, ESSO Imperial Oil and ATCO offered assistance.

Writer's Guild of Alberta Logo.Beyond encouraging young writers, the WGA is also committed to rewarding the more established writer. The WGA's Book Awards has grown from modest beginnings to include the participation of the Book Publishers Association of Alberta and Alberta Community Development. As a result, the Writers Guild Awards now presents the 'Grant MacEwan Book Prize' annually. With a cash award of $25,000, this prize is one of the most lucrative in the country. Such a prize not only brings financial support to the winning writer, but beneficial media coverage and exposure.

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Featured Audio

Andreas Schroeder, author of a WGA sponsored report on culture in Alberta, shares his findings. Listen Now

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