City of Calgary W.O. Mitchell Book Prize
Named after the celebrated Canadian author, the City of Calgary established the W.O.
Mitchell Book Prize to acknowledge outstanding literature emerging from Calgary.
Through a combination partnership between Pages Books on Kensington, the City of
Calgary and the Writers Guild of Alberta, every year a jury selects a local author,
who is then confirmed by the Calgary Awar ds Committee. In addition to recognition
from the Calgary community, the winner is also awarded $2,000.
The contest is always judged by a Calgarian, an Albertan from outside
Calgary and a
Canadian from outside Alberta. The main qualifications for eligibility are: the book
must be published between January 1 and December 31
of a
the particular year, the author
must have been living in Calgary for a minimum of two years as of December 31 of the
same year and the book must be in the form of fiction, poetry, non-fiction, children's
literature or drama.
The City of Calgary established the award in recognition of W.O Mitchell, whose work
explored the people and landscape of the prairies.