The First Constitution
The drafting of a constitution was completed by April 1927. The National Association of Real Estate Boards' constitution was taken as a guide, with any articles and clauses not applicable to the operation of a real estate association in Edmonton being struck out.
The constitution of the new Association was a detailed document that dealt with objectives, membership, government, and ethics. It remained largely unchanged until the 1940s.
The first objective was: "to unite the real estate men of this community for the purpose of exerting effectively a combined influence upon matters affecting real estate interests."
The second objective was to encourage the adoption of rules and regulations to facilitate business transactions by its members.
The third objective was to promote and enforce high standards of conduct by its members based on the code of ethics.
A final objective was to advance the civic development and the economic growth of Edmonton.
This article is extracted from John Gilpin, Responsible Enterprise: A History of Edmonton Real Estate & the Edmonton Real Estate Board. (Edmonton: Edmonton Real Estate Board, 1997). The Heritage Community Foundation and the Alberta Real Estate Foundation would like to thank John Gilpin and the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton for permission to reproduce this material.