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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Staff Changes

The most significant change to Board staff was the retirement in 1983 of Norm Winterburn, who had been active in various capacities with the Board since the late 1940s. Art Jones was appointed executive vice-president in his place. Art joined the Edmonton Real Estate Board in 1976 as public relations and education administrator. As executive vice-president, Jones had the challenge of coping with the aftermath of the recession of 1982 and the move to the new building.

He was active in the Executive Officers Council, serving as a member of the Board and as chairman in 1988/89. By virtue of his position with this organization he served on the Board of CREA and was active on many committees with AREA. He has received a Life Membership from the EREB as well as from AREA and CREA.

Art Jones' positive attitude towards the future of real estate in Edmonton and his public relations skills helped the Board make the transition into the post-golden age. His leadership was evident in the ongoing expansions of the computer system.

Ron Hutchinson succeeded Art Jones as executive vice president in January 1993, after an intensive nationwide search for someone with both industry and association experience. A native of Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, Ron moved to Edmonton in 1970 after he received a Diploma in Business Administration from the Saskatchewan Technical Institute. He started as a sales representative in 1975 with Weber Brothers Real Estate. He later moved to Canada Trust, where he was a branch manager and training coordinator before starting with the Board in 1986. He was manager of the Education and Membership Department and later manager of membership services.

This article is extracted from John Gilpin, Responsible Enterprise: A History of Edmonton Real Estate & the Edmonton Real Estate Board. (Edmonton: Edmonton Real Estate Board, 1997). The Heritage Community Foundation and the Alberta Real Estate Foundation would like to thank John Gilpin and the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton for permission to reproduce this material.

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