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Campus Saint-Jean

Saint-Jean became a faculty of the University of Alberta in 1977. Before that, it had been run by the Oblate fathers. Now, many consider it Alberta's Francophone university.

Saint-Jean had begun in Pincher Creek in 1908, and moved to the Bonnie Doon district of Edmonton in 1911. Over the years, Saint-Jean served many purposes and had many different names. It began as Juniorat Saint-Jean. It then became Collège Saint-Jean, Collège universitaire Saint-Jean, Faculté Saint-Jean, and it is now called Campus Saint-Jean.

New programs have been added to the B.A; B.Ed; and B.Sc. programs. The Baccalauréat bilingue en administration des affaires is unique in Canada. Saint-Jean now offers the first year of the Engineering degree. In 2001-2002, a Maîtrise en arts en études canadiennes was added to the Maîtrise en éducation which was established in 1992. In 2004, a Baccalauréat bilingue en sciences infirmières was offered jointly with the University of Alberta.

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