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Alberta Film

Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society

Alberta Motion Pictures Industries Association

Quickdraw Animation Society


Professional Associations

Alberta sceneryBy actively marketing Alberta as a prime filming location, the Alberta Film Commission has increased interest and participation in filmmaking in Alberta. The Film Development Office promotes the growth of the province's film producing industry through consultative services and by creating infrastructure, skills development activities and specialized programs. The Film Development Office also supports the Alberta Film Development Program, a program that provides grants to production companies in an attempt to offset production costs.

The Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society's (AMAAS) objective is to aid Alberta media arts organizations and artists in the realm of education and promotion. One method by which the association promotes the industry is by representing Alberta media arts centres to the community and government. Another important function of the AMAAS is to facilitate communication amongst members of the media arts industry and through conferences. Funding is an integral aspect of filmmaking and several associations such as the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers (CSIF) distribute grants for Alberta film projects. CSIF also helped to create the $100 Film Festival, Fairy Tales Film Festival and a variety of workshops designed to increase and enhance participant's filmmaking skills.

Animation by Lisa ScheidtThe field of animation has grown considerably over the years and the field has broadened to encompass digital artwork. The Quickdraw Animation Society supports the production and appreciation of animation, while providing access to facilities, equipment and technical assistance. Through the society, individuals are free to access industry-specific information and a resource library consisting of over 1,000 animated films on video.

Most artists benefit from belonging to a professional association. Each film and new media association approaches their mandate differently, but all encourage the development and growth of their specific industry.

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