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Leo Piquette

Leo PiquetteIn 1987, Leo Piquette said a few words from the back benches of the Alberta Legislature. Piquette was a Plamondon businessman and the New Democrat MLA for Lac La Biche. He asked a question in French about minority language rights.

"En englais, s'il vous plait," Speaker of the Legislature Carter said. Carter told him that he would be ruled out of order, and asked that he speak in English. Piquette asked again in French.

Piquette was praised by many for his stance on minority language rights. Carter was criticized for refusing to let the MLA speak French in the Alberta Legislature. After some dispute, the House accepted new rules which allowed for the use of any language in the Assembly, provided that English translations or brief descriptions be made available.

Piquette served one term in the Alberta Legislature. He was defeated in the 1989 election.

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