Educational Interactives
The Educational Interactives section of the Alberta Real Estate Heritage website is populated with multimedia files and activities taken from the Doors Open Edukit. By offering these interactives, the Alberta Real Estate Heritage Website becomes a truly archival resource that addresses the needs of both formal and life-long learners. The Heritage Community Foundation is pleased to make these resources accessible.
The following audio files are meant to enlighten and to educate. For more information on Heritage Trails or a complete listing, please visit the Alberta's Political History: The Making of a Province which has a full listing as well as links to other CKUA and Heritage Community Foundation projects.
Allan Merrick Jeffers replaces Edward Collis Hopkins as Alberta’s provincial architect and designs the Alberta Legislature Building. Click to play this file.
The sod house epitomizes the myth of pioneer struggle. The fact is, however, it was used much less often than shacks or log cabins as temporary shelter for people trying to establish themselves in a new land. Click to play this file.
Buildings and their Parts Quiz- This simple quiz on building parts introduces the basics of building construction.
Word Search - While this file has multiple word search problems, we suggest you try Building Materials, Building Components and Styles of Architecture word searches.