The fur trade enterprise in New France was strictly
controlled by royal sanction, and fur trading on an individual
basis was discouraged. Despite this understanding, settlers,
brought to the colony at great expense, saw the opportunity to
make some money and facing a lack of available women, engaged in
the fur trade and joined Aboriginal bands where they took wives
and stayed. Unauthorized trading became such a great problem
that sanctions were imposed on the illegal traders or "coureurs
de bois" (runners of the woods), who dared to venture out and
collect furs without official permission. Seizure of goods was
the usual corrective.
Sanctions against the coureurs de bois were finally lifted by
Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Louis XIV’s minister of finance who, in
1681, began granting a limited amount of permissions, or
"congés", per year to go inland and trade furs. Perhaps 50 such
permissions were granted per year—far from enough when only a
few years before, it had been estimated that perhaps as many as
300 individuals were trading furs upland from the Saint
Lawrence. Although official exploration expeditions had been
undertaken, the inland was not well-known. Samuel de Champlain
began exploring the area in 1603, and was followed by many
others, to name but a few: Étienne Brûlé, Jean Nicollet, Jean de
Brébeuf, Pierre Chaumonot, Issac Jogues, Jean de Quen, Claude
Allouez, Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette.
Occasionally, when reading through the accounts of these
exploratory voyages, one notices a comment concerning an
employee who has abandoned the expedition to join a band of the
indigenous peoples. |