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Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Dunne-za Reserves

Despite encouragement from missionaries and traders to extend the treaty system further north, the government delayed doing so until 1899. "It was the expansion of settlement northward, and the discovery of oil and other mineral deposits, that finally brought about a change in government policy," (Francis and Payne, p. 96).

Treaty Eight was eventually signed at Fort Dunvegan by the Dunne-za leader Natooses on behalf of thirty-three of his people who were present. Further signings occurred in 1900 and 1910 (Can. Encyc.). According to Francis and Payne, even after signing Treaty Eight the Dunne-za near Dunvegan showed little interest in reserves until two leaders, Nepee and Natooses, asked for reserve land. Shortly there-after, initial reserves were established adjacent to the current town of Fairview and six miles below Dunvegan (Francis and Payne, p. 100).

We are told that in 1928 both these pieces of land were surrendered and the proceeds went to purchase a new reserve at Clear Hills. The band at Clear Hills is said to have entered Treaty Eight in 1900 (GNCA, p. 117). The Horse Lake reserve further south is named for the lake on which it sits.

Boyer River and Child Lake reserves are on the Boyer River near Fort Vermilion and are occupied by the Beaver First Nation. We are told that headman of the Boyer River Band, Ambrose Tete Noir, signed Treaty Eight in 1899 (GNCA, p. 93).

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