About the Alberta Charities Round Table 2000
The Government of Alberta appoints the Charities Advisory
Committee to provide expert counseling to the Minister of
Government Services, who is responsible for the Charitable
Fund Raising Act and for the regulation and support of
societies registered under the Societies Act of Alberta.
The Committee members are volunteers and do not receive any
remuneration for their services. The Round Table was the
brainchild of the Alberta Charitable Advisory Committee, the
membership of which has remained the same since 1999.
Charitable Advisory Committee Membership
J. Sherrold Moore, Chair
E. H. Guy Mallabone, Vice Chair
Barc Barylo
David N. Blue
Claire M. Brown
Deborah Chenery
Richard M. Craddock
Adriana A. Davies, Ph.D.
Major John Goulding
Norman H. Haines
John L. Paquet
Barry Runnalls
Anne S. Tingle
Mark Wolff
Len Wolstenholme
Scott Hood, Departmental Representative
The Alberta Charities Round Table, chaired by Dr. Adriana
Davies, was the first consultation of its kind. It was held
on November 14-16 in Edmonton, Alberta and brought together
stakeholders in the non-profit, charitable and voluntary
sector to discuss and act upon issues related to the
capacity of Alberta's voluntary sector to meet community
needs. A variety of related issues were discussed, and more
than 135 recommendations were made.
During the discussion sessions, attempts were made to
prioritize the recommendations. The New Directions, New
Pathways: Report of the Alberta Charities Round Table
2000 places recommendations in the approximate order of
their priority as suggested by Round Table participants.
Discussions focused on the following thematic groupings:
Accountability; Collaborations, Partnerships and Mergers;
Building Human Capabilities and Resources; and Finances.
The Report was shared with all of the stakeholders including
governments, corporate funders, foundations, voluntary
organization managers, directors and board members and was
available on the World Wide Web. The Foreword of the
Report sets out the parameters for the consultation.
Voluntary organizations play a major, and often critical,
role in our quality of life, touching every Albertan and
every Canadian every day. Various
reports in recent times have pointed out the importance of
the charitable/voluntary sector to Canadians. This is a part
of an international trend that has identified voluntary,
charitable and non-profit organizations altogether as the
"Third (or Voluntary) Sector," separate and apart from both
the public and private sectors.
The Province of Alberta has long supported the notion that
it is important to have a strong charitable sector that
effectively serves and enjoys the confidence of Albertans.
For more than 30 years, the government has supported this
effort through education, financial support and regulation.
The Alberta Charities Round Table 2000, held in Edmonton on
November 14-16,2000, brought together representatives from
stakeholder groups across Alberta, including volunteers
(both board and service volunteers); voluntary sector
professionals (staff, consultants, contractors); government
regulators and funders; corporate funders; foundations; and
interested citizens from many walks of life. The goal was to
discuss ways to increase the capacity of Alberta's voluntary
sector to better serve Albertans.
This Report represents the collective wisdom of all
participants in the unique Round Table event. These words
are their words; these recommendations are theirs as well.
We hope that delegates to the Round Table, and all readers
of this Report, will find within its pages renewed vision to
accomplish more effectively their important tasks.
J. Sherrold Moore, Chair Charitable Advisory Committee
Dr. Adriana A. Davies, Chair Alberta Charities Round
Table 2000