The Beginning
As practically all glass
manufactured in Canada at the present time utilizes imported sand, there are
possibilities for utilizing all this sand in the glass industry.
The commercial possibilities for
the utilization of all products in the bituminous sands are very great, but much
investigation work must be carried our on the method of extracting the bitumen from the sand in the file or in the laboratory, before the commercial value of
the formation can be determined.
Already it had been proven that
with certain treatment the sand is suitable for paving purposes. In 1915, a piece
of pavement was laid down in Edmonton on Kinnaird Street, immediately south of
Alberta Avenue. This experiment was conducted under the supervision of S.C.
Ells of the Mines Branch, Ottawa. This pavement had been subjected to heavy
traffic, but was still in excellent condition in November, 1919.
Alberta Research Council. [1920] Annual Report. With permission from the Alberta
Research Council.

Early Oilsands Exploration
Sidney Ells organizes an experiment, to use the oilsands as a paving material...
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