Divide and Conquer
The Tenth Annual
Report gave an account of progress with the separation work during 1929. The
Research Council overhauled its existing plant at Edmonton, bringing its design
up to date. The plant was then dismantled, shipped north and re-erected beside
the quarry on the Clearwater River. It was given a trial run before winter
stopped further work. In the meanwhile an intensive laboratory study was being
carried out to devise new operations to supplement former separation procedures
and produce clean, dry, separated bitumen. The crude bitumen
from the trial runs
of the separation plant was shipped to the laboratory at Edmonton for work
during the winter on the new cleaning and drying operations.
The laboratory
work was completed during the winter and a procedure for eliminating water and
mineral matter from the crude bitumen was decided upon. Equipment for
installation at the separation plant was designed. The equipment was shipped
north in the spring and was built into the plant. The plant was ready for
operation by the first of June. It was operated during June, July and August.
Data and observation regarding practical separation were secured. Fifteen
thousand gallons of finished separated bitumen were produced and shipped to
Edmonton. Part was used by the mixing plant; part was used by the Provincial
Department of Public Works for rural road surfacing experiments; and part is in
Alberta Research Council. [1930] Annual Report. With permission from the Alberta
Research Council.
