Tony came to Canada a few years after the first World War
from Paris, France. He first landed in Quebec before moving
to Alberta in 1926. He worked at the mine in Mountain Park
by Edson for a few years, and then moved back to Edmonton
where he worked in a marble and tile shop for nine years. An
old man, who was a friend of his, had family still in Italy.
This old man's daughter came over and became Tony's wife.
They both love Alberta and do not wish to live elsewhere.
The interview was conducted by Sab Roncucci for the Dante Alighieri Oral History Project in 1973.
This oral history project was initiated by Sabatino
Roncucci, a founder of the Dante Alighieri Society, for the
purpose of documenting immigration history so that it
could be shared not only with the Italian community but also
the community at large.
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