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Did you know?

  • By 1888, the Great Plains were totally cleared of buffalo-including their bones. It was if the 50-100 million buffalo had never existed
  • It is believed that just over 1,000 buffalo survived into the 20th century. It is also believed that the 70 million buffalo killed represented the largest animal slaughter known to date. At the turn of the 21st century, there are only 350,000 buffalo remaining
  • Smoked buffalo tongue was considered a delicacy
  • Liver was eaten warm and raw after a kill as a special treat
  • Blackfoot moccasins were made of tanned leather tops with a hard sole of untanned hide. Moccasins worn every day were not usually decorated. For special occasions, however, the footwear was decorated with porcupine quills or beads. Before European traders introduced beads, coloured moose or horsehair was sewn on the moccasins. Men's moccasins were cut low while women often wore a higher wrap around style that touched the bottom of their dresses. The higher top style provided warmth and protection
  • The shinbone of the buffalo was used to create a Flesher which was used to tan hides
  • Aboriginal People used all parts of the buffalo and created many ingenious items. Buffalo hooves were boiled to make an all purpose glue, horns were used for cups and spoons, the bladder was used to store drinking water and the stomach to simulate a pot and kettle. The hide was used for robes in the winter and scraped in the summer to make tipis and clothing

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