Proper forest
management practices can only be implemented if land managers have accurate
information on the location, extent and condition of the forest resources and
the ability to analyze those datum to determine the potential effects of
different activities. Forest inventories give us important information to help
calculate the Annual Allowable Cut. Inventories provide data on tree age, tree
height, what plant species are present, and how much a forest will grow and how
Alberta's Phase
3 Inventory has been one of the most widely used inventories by the provincial
forest industry. Its main focus is timber production. It has been kept
up-to-date to include forest impacts, such as burned areas, timber harvesting,
and land clearings (well sites, pipeline rights of way, agricultural expansion).
In the near
future, a new inventorythe Alberta Vegetation Inventory (AVI)will be
completed and will replace Phase 3. This new inventory is designed to provide
information on other forest resources besides the trees to facilitate integrated, ecologically-based resource management. Initiated in the mid-1980s,
the AVI has some of the same features as Phase 3, but in more detail. It
provides better information on artificial features (roads, pipelines, wellsites,
etc.), vegetation height, species, crown closure, age and productivity. In
keeping with the new direction of forest management, AVI also includes
information that was not used in past inventories. Some examples of this are
soil moisture, waterbodies (streams, rivers, lakes, etc.), and land elevation.
This information is turned into digital computer data and stored in a database
to help manage forests. These data can be used in a geographical information
system (GIS) to enable more sophisticated resource analysis and to produce maps
for many different themes.
The Alberta
Vegetation Inventory is being completed by both government and the forest
industry. This methodology was formally adopted by the Alberta government and
FMA holders in 1991 as the provincial minimum standard for forest inventories.
AVI will be the basis for new forest management plans that address both timber
and non-timber values, and provide for sustainable development of our forest
resources. At the end of 1996, 164,188 square kilometres of forest had been
inventoried using this system.
Department of the Environment. State of the Environment Report, Terrestrial Ecosystems. Edmonton: n.p., 2001. With permission from Alberta Environment.