Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

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Grade 1 - Teacher Resources

Anywhere Stories-Leo Sawicki

ISBN 0-921254-47-4

This resource includes seven Aboriginal stories with illustrations.

A, B, C's: The American Indian Way-Richard Red Hawk

ISBN 0-940113-15-5

Each letter of the alphabet represents Aboriginal groups, individuals, and artifacts that represent Aboriginal culture and beliefs.

The Canadian Children's Treasury-Key Porter

ISBN 1-55013-066-8

A collection of traditional and contemporary short stories focuses on Aboriginal legends, poetry, animal stories, and science fiction.

The Crying Christmas Tree-Allan Crow and David Beyer

ISBN 0-921827-13-X

A wonderful story about Kokum's grandchildren laughing at the Christmas tree selected. The moral of the story is that the children will learn that love, not appearance, is the important ingredient in life. Looks at the importance of the extended family.

How the Birch Tree Got Its Stripes-Freda Ahenakew ed.

ISBN 0-920079-38-5

This is a story about Wisahkecahk and how he transforms the birch trees. An excellent Cree story.

How the Mouse Got Brown Teeth-Freda Ahenakew ed.

ISBN 0-920079-40-7

This is a story of a Cree boy who ignores his grandmothers warning set snare in a tree. The resulting events lead the reader to understand why the mouse has brown teeth.

Turtle Island Alphabet: A Lexicon of Native American Symbols and Culture-Gerald Hausman

ISBN 0-312-09406-X

This resource provides historical, geographical, spiritual, and cultural information on Aboriginal peoples and symbols. Included are photographs, essays, and poems.

Land of the Bloods-Joyce Quilty et al.

ISBN 0-920985-10-6

This book shares the history, culture, and traditions of the Blood Indian Nation located in Southern Alberta from the past to present.

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