The Office of the Ethics Commissioner opened on April 1,
1992. The Office has two staff.
All Members of the Legislative Assembly are required to
file annual statements with the Ethics Commissioner (called Members'
Disclosure Statemements), listing all income, assets, liabilities, and
financial interests for the Member, the Member's spouse, minor children, and
private corporations controlled by them. A public statement is prepared by
the Ethics Commissioner's Office and is available for public viewing at the
Office of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (8th Floor, Legislature Annex,
Members may seek the written advice of the Ethics
Commissioner regarding Members' obligations under the Conflicts of Interest
Act. All advice given to MLAs is confidential.
Any person may request an investigation by the Ethics
Commissioner into an alleged breach of the Act by the MLA. The request for
an investigation must be in writing and cannot be anonymous. The
Commissioner may refuse to conduct an investigation if the Commissioner believes
the request frivolous or vexatious or if there are no grounds or insufficient
grounds for an investigation. Investigation reports are made public
through the Office of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Senior officials of the province (deputy minister-level
positions) also file disclosure statements with the Commissioner. No
public disclosure statements are prepared.
Annual and investigation reports are submitted to the
Legislative Assembly through the Speaker.
The Legislative Assembly is the final authority for
determining discipline, if any, for Members of the Legislative Assembly and is
the final decision-maker with respect to any recommendations made by the Ethics
Commissioner as a result of an investigation.