From the original hiring poster
for the CANOL project, June 15, 1942:
This is no picnic! Working and
living conditions on this job are as difficult as
those encountered on any construction job ever done
in the United States or foreign territory. Men hired
for this job will be required to work and live under
the most extreme conditions imaginable. Temperatures
will range from 50 degrees above zero to 70 degrees
below zero. Men will have to fight swamps, rivers,
ice and cold. Mosquitoes, files and gnats will not
only be annoying but will cause bodily harm.
If you are not prepared to work
under these and similar conditions do not apply.
The United States’ involvement in
the Second World War began in 1941 with increasing
fears that Alaska would be attacked by Japan. If an
attack happened, the American government was
concerned that the flow of oil to the south would
halt. The US and Canadian government knew to secure
the northern resources, a pipeline had to be built.
They also knew an oil refinery needed to be built to
support the military and their vehicles. Both
governments agreed on a deal and created the
Canadian oil agreement or CANOL project. The mandate
of the project was to increase production of the
Norman Wells field to 3,000 barrels of oil a day,
build a refinery at Whitehorse, then run a 600 mile
long pipeline from the oil field to the refinery for
the crude oil.
One major step had to be
undertaken before any building could commence. To
supply gasoline for the planes, military vehicles,
and construction equipment needed, a highway had to
be built from Fairbanks, Alaska to Dawson Creek,
British Columbia. In 1942, the Alaskan-Canadian
highway (ALCAN) was begun. The ALCAN was to be
engineered and under the control of the US Army
Corps of Engineers, with support from the US War
Department and Bechtel Price-Callahan, a civilian
construction company. The work would be extremely
hard on the workers and equipment as the harsh
arctic land and weather would take its toll.
The equipment and personnel were
brought through Edmonton, Alberta to then carry on
to the Northern Alberta Railway some 285 miles to
the end of the railway line at Dawson Creek. The route
to Norman Wells proved inadequate, so a 1,000 mile
winter road was constructed in the Mackenzie River
valley. Horrible conditions meant for slow going in
the construction process. Due to inadequate
Arctic-weight clothing for the Army engineers,
the employees were forced to burn lumber and bridge timbers
to keep warm.
Finally, Camp CANOL was set up near the Norman Wells
refinery to house the men and equipment. For two
years, workers built the refinery and constructed
the pipeline to Whitehorse.
Norman Wells were drilled by the
Noble Drilling Corporation of Oklahoma. In 1944,
the crude oil from Norman Wells flowed into
Whitehorse, where the already-completed tank and
refinery were ready. Sixty new wells were built
increasing production significantly. At the height
of operations, the CANOL pipeline carried 3000
barrels of oil per day. After being open for only
one year, the operation was shut down. The $134
million CANOL Project was no longer needed: the war
ended with no Japanese invasion of Alaska. The oil
field that was to support troops in the area was no
longer necessary.
The refinery got its second
chance at life because of the Leduc oil field. In
1947, Imperial Oil needed to build a refinery for
the overflowing reserves from the Leduc wells. Short
on time, the construction of a refinery would take
too long. However, someone suggested moving the
Whitehorse refinery to Edmonton, at the same cost
but less time than building anew. With the money
paid for the rights to the US Foreign Liquidation
Commission of $1 million, the refinery was taken
apart and shipped to Edmonton.
A further legacy of the CANOL
project was the road, still being used for small
vehicles from the Alaskan highway to the Yukon/NWT
border. From there it became the CANOL Heritage
Trail. Unfortunately, due to the inaccessible
locations of some camps, a great many pieces of
machinery have been left behind, such as work
For further information on Norman
Wells and the CANOL project, visit the NWT
government site:
The legacy of the CANOL Project is mixed, as many believe the project was a failure.
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