development of an industrial economy in Canada was
based on the creation of a mining industry, a
decision that relied on a geological survey of the
country. The Legislature of the Province of Canada
(now parts of Ontario and Quebec) created the
Geological Survey of Canada in 1842. The first
director was William Logan, a Montréal citizen
educated in Scotland. Logan had an excellent
reputation as a geologist even though he never
attended school, but learned his trade by managing a
copper smelting company in Wales. He campaigned for
the position with strong recommendations from
prominent English scientists. Logan succeeded and
was appointed to the position in April 1842. The
headquarters for the Survey was in Montréal where he
took on an assistant name Alexander Murray, a formal
naval officer. Together, they began the task of
mapping out the geology of a country that stretched
from 5514 kilometres between coasts.
The science of geology for Logan
and Murray meant many years out in the field
collecting data. The first priority of the men was
to search for coal deposits. From 1843 to the 1850s,
the Survey reported that there were
no coal deposits in either Upper or Lower Canada.
This was disappointing as coal was considered to be
vital to the development of an industrial economy. A
positive note was the identification of several
broad geological divisions: folded rocks covering
Quebec's Gaspé Peninsula and Eastern Townships, the
flat-lying limestone that extend west from Montréal
to Lake Huron. Crystalline rocks extending north an
unknown distance from Kingston, Ottawa, and Montréal
soon proved to be part of the Canadian Shield
holding many Precambrian mineral deposits that are
still mined today.
The Geological Survey of Canada
continued to expand into an organization with many
employees conducting rigorous exploration, making
maps, producing reports, and maintaining a public
museum. Confederation in 1867 brought new challenges
to the Geological Survey. The new provinces of
Manitoba, British Columbia, and Prince Edward Island
increased the area of operations. In 1871 the
Survey mounted an expedition to investigate the
geology and mineral resources along the proposed
railroad routes. In 1870, Canada purchased Rupert's
Land from the Hudson's Bay Company. This immense
area stretched across the country from Ontario to
the Rockies and north to the Arctic. This was the
beginning of the age of Canadian exploration. The
uncharted areas of the west and arctic were
difficult and dangerous but exciting. The Survey
collected observations on geology, botany, and
In the 20th century, the
Geological Survey of Canada added the new provinces
of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland to their
studies. Canada was expanding and so was the mandate
of the Survey. The agency added the role of training
ground for the Canadian geosciences community.
Students interested in geology received experience
through their employment as field assistants to the
Surveys’ scientists. During the First World War,
surveys were conducted to locate much needed
minerals such as tungsten and mercury that were
vital to the war effort.
For the Second World War, coal
and oil were the focus of the Survey. Locating
domestic fuel and energy sources became another
wartime priority for the Survey, seeing as before
the war Canada had imported 90 percent of its
petroleum. The work of the Survey relating to energy
resources took firm root at this time and continued
to be a major part of its contribution to this day.
As a result of its new airborne
capability, the Survey was able to mount numerous
large-scale multidisciplinary reconnaissance
operations during the 1950s and 1960s. The most
ambitious was the 1955 "Operation Franklin" in the
Arctic. The results of the work showed potential for
oil in this remote part of Canada and triggered
industry interest in northern oil and gas
exploration. "Operation Franklin" also demonstrated
how joint research using modern technology could be
extremely productive.
Reorganization was again the
order of the day in 1966, when Parliament created
the Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources of
which the Geological Survey of Canada is currently a part
The new department carried on the scientific
responsibilities of its predecessor, the Department
of Mines and Technical Surveys, but through its new
mandate to plan Canada's energy needs, was
transformed into an important policy-making
Starting in the 1970s,
international debate centring on the ownership of
the ocean's resources required the Survey to provide
geoscientific information necessary to support
Canada's claims to an offshore "economic zone." New
boundary areas came into dispute, such as the
Gulf of Maine, the Grand Banks off St-Pierre et Miquelon in the east, and the Straits of Juan de Fuca
off the West Coast. Canada's offshore boundaries
eventually extended 200 miles (320 km) from the
coast (or beyond, to the edge of the continental
shelf). This immense area was, in effect, added to
the Survey's field of operation.
Another major offshore initiative
stemmed from growing concerns for the security of
energy supplies and indications that the offshore
contained valuable new resources. In response, the
government charged the Survey in 1984 with
establishing a knowledge base from which the oil and
gas potential of the offshore regions and the Arctic
could be determined. The work, carried out under the
new Frontier Geoscience Energy Program, is now
firmly entrenched as part of the Survey's marine
Greater accountability to the
taxpayer and increasingly complex administrative
demands were continuing trends through the 1980s.
Coupled with government spending restraint and high
inflation, the Survey was often restricted to
meeting short-term objectives to accommodate rapidly
changing priorities. The Survey adapted by moving
more and more into cost-sharing, cooperative
ventures that involved the participation of other
governments, industry, and universities at both
national and international levels.
The computerized Geological
Survey of the 1990s was, of course, a very different
organization from the one established by Sir William
Logan 150 years earlier. Nevertheless, similarities
between the Survey of today and of yesteryear are
obvious. The mining and petroleum industries
continue to be major clients, and mapping the
geology of Canada remains a primary concern.
However, geoscientific information is becoming
increasingly important to environmental questions as
it provides a crucial baseline against which we can
measure and assess contemporary environmental
changes. As well, the Survey, because of its
reputation for excellence, continues to attract
gifted scientists and staff who share a unique
esprit de corps and provide an irreplaceable source
of expertise that is one of Canada's scientific
A century-and-a-half after Logan
set out on his first field trip the immense task of
a comprehensive geological examination of Canada is
still not complete. Today, however, we recognize
that the task may never end. As new theories and
needs emerge, and as new technologies are rapidly
developed, the surveying of Canada's onshore and
offshore will challenge scientists for many decades
to come. As the Geological Survey of Canada
continues to accept new responsibilities and to
develop new areas of expertise, its contribution to
the next 150 years of Canada's development should be
as important, colourful, and exciting as in the past.
For a comprehensive history of
the Geological Survey of Canada, read No Stone
Unturned: The First 150 years of the Geological
Survey of Canada by Christy Vodden, Ottawa 1992, on
the GSC website
The video clip from "Quest for Energy" relates the story of the Geological Society’s start in the new country of Canada.
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