By the 1970s, the two main oil
producing provinces in Canada were Saskatchewan and
Alberta. Each province had control over natural
resources and received royalties for oil and gas
production within its boarders. The revenue from oil
and gas exploitation reached new heights during the
1970s as international oil and gas prices increased
significantly. A result of the high prices of oil
and gas was that the western provinces had increased
economic power in Canada. Added to this, during the
1970s a boycott
of oil produced in Arabic countries
increased the cost of oil that was being imported by
Eastern Canada.
The federal government wanted to
increase the control Canadians had of the oil
industry and provide some relief to Eastern Canada
in the price of oil and gas. To do this the
National Energy Program (NEP) was introduced in
October 1980. The NEP included price controls and
federal taxes on oil and gas production. The revenue
from the federal taxes on oil and gas were used to
establish Petro-Canada, a federal government
petroleum company, to act as the government’s
monitor on the industry. The federal government also
provided grants to Canadian owned petroleum
companies to encourage Canadian ownership.
The NEP was seen by many western
observers as an effort on the part of the federal
government to take away the oil revenue that
belonged rightfully to Saskatchewan and Alberta and
give it to Ontario.
One of the consequences of the
animosity created between the western provinces and
the federal government was seen when the 1982
Constitution Act was being negotiated; Alberta
premier Peter Lougheed had the "notwithstanding
clause" added to the amending formula. This allowed
any province to opt out of any constitutional change
they wished to.
Negotiations over the NEP and oil
and gas extraction between the western provinces and
the federal government did not bring any agreements.
In 1984, the Liberal government that had brought the
National Energy Program into place was swept from
power and replaced by the Progressive Conservative
government. There were only two Liberals elected in
the west, but the new Progressive Conservative
government had fifty-eight members from the west.
The result was that the new federal government under
Prime Minister Mulroney signed the Western Energy
Accord in 1985 that eliminated the National Energy
The Birth and Death of the NEP
Though it was eventually killed in 1985, the National Energy Policy (NEP) established by the Trudeau Liberals in 1980 still generates controversy in Alberta. In this excerpt from the JuneWarren publication, The Great Canadian Oil Patch: The Petroleum Era from Birth to Peak, author Earle Gray recounts the history of the NEP and its impacts on Alberta’s energy sector. Read more… |