Energy, including electricity and
natural gas, has continued to be regulated in
Canada. There are two different ways that the
customer can pay for their energy costs in most
places in Canada. The first is to have the energy
delivered and pay the regulated rate. The second
method is through a set rate contract provided by
the energy provider that is voluntarily signed with
the consumer for a set cost and a set period of
time. In either case, the amount that the energy
company can charge is set by regulations.
The rates for energy are defined
by the regulations so that the price is fair to both
the providers and the consumers. These rates are set
in the Gas Cost Recovery Rate (GCRR) or the Gas Cost
Flow Through Rate (GCFR), which does not allow the
energy provider to profit on the cost of gas, but
the rate will often fluctuate monthly according the
existing market prices.