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Kyoto Accord

In December 1997, Canada and 160 other countries met in Kyoto, Japan, and agreed to targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Canada's target is to reduce its GHG emissions to 6 percent below 1990 levels by the period between 2008 and 2012. This is comparable to the targets taken on by our major trading partners. All the countries of the world have been meeting every year since the signing of the Kyoto Protocol (Accord if signed) to define the operational rules.

Canada's intends to achieve the majority of its GHG reductions through actions taken domestically. Not only will this contribute to the global climate change effort, but this will also bring other environmental benefits to Canadians such as cleaner air. It will also create opportunities for investment in new advanced technologies. The Government of Canada is taking concrete action to address climate change. The Government of Canada is investing $500 million in Action Plan 2000. This investment, along with the $625 million over five years announced in Budget 2000, results in a total commitment of $1.1 billion to address climate change over the next five years, and builds on the $850 million that the Government of Canada spent during the previous five years.

However, not everyone in the petroleum industry is supporting the Kyoto Accord. Canada has not ratified the agreement due to opposition from the Alberta government. A poll conducted in 2002 found that 72 percent of Albertans were against the Accord. The United States has withdrawn from the Kyoto Protocol and developing countries such as China, India, and Mexico are currently exempt from meeting reduction targets under Kyoto. If Canada ratifies the Kyoto Protocol, some people say that Canada will be at an economic disadvantage because industry and investment will leave Canada for the US and other countries where they will not have to incur the extra costs of meeting Kyoto Protocol reduction targets.

Globe and Mail: An Albertan's Plan to Ease Kyoto Pain
Head of oil organization says “hardship” can become “economic opportunity” By PATRICK BRETHOUR © Copyright 2005 Bell Globemedia Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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