In addition to pipeline networks,
oil is also transported by tanker ships, rail, and
truck. Not all markets are accessible from
pipelines, so trucks and rail tankers are often
used. Canadian National has a system called CargoFlo
that combines rail hauling, break-bulk facilities
where the product can be loaded on to short-haul
trucks for delivery, giving their
flexibility and access to all facilities. The
product can be transported from rail to truck when
needed. Marine transportation for oil and gas
companies is through shipping systems, ports,
routes, and destinations. Ocean shipping operations
are planned in great detail, including fleet
parameters, storage requirements, ice conditions,
and multiple
ports. The dangers of a spill are
always there. The infamous Exxon-Valdez spill in
1989 hit the Bligh Reef in Price William Sound in
Alaska. Between 11 million and 35 million gallons
of crude oil were spilled, affecting 1,900 kilometres of coastline. Exxon spent over two
billion dollars cleaning up the spill, which
indicates that the economic and environmental costs
of a spill are massive.