The refining process is
fractional distillation, which separates the oil
into its component parts or fractions. The crude oil
is heated, which turns the semi-solid crude oil into
vapour. It is then piped into a tall tower divided
by a series of perforated horizontal trays. The
heavier fractions condense first and settle out on
the lower trays. The perforations are fitted bubble
caps that force the vapour to bubble through a
previously liquefied fraction on the tray.
This bubbling cools the vapour
slightly, which causes that fraction to condense in
the tray. That section is vapourized while it
continues to move upward in the distillation tower.
The process is repeated at each tray, with each
fraction condensing at the tray where the
temperature is slightly below that fraction’s
boiling point. Several trays collect each fraction,
and the fractions piped out for processing into
diesel, furnace fuels, stove oil, gasoline, and