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Carbon Sequestration

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The CO2 injected by EnCana is supplied by Dakota Gasification through a 202-mile pipeline from its Great Plains Synfuels Plant at Beulah, North Dakota. The Beulah plant annually converts six million tons of coal into 50 billion cubic feet of synthetic natural gas, emitting CO2 in the process.

The Weyburn operation, described by Natural Resources Canada as "the world's largest sequestration and research project," is being closely studied by the International Energy Agency.16

Weyburn might be just the start of much more extensive carbon sequestration and enhanced oil recovery. In Alberta, Enbridge Pipelines foresees a possible 1,200-mile pipeline system that would collect 11,500 tons a day of CO2 now being emitted by the province's coal-fired power, petrochemical, and oil sands plants for sequestration to increase recov­erable oil reserves at some of Canada's oldest and largest oil fields, including Pembina and Swan Hills.17


  1. Matthew Yeomans, “Putting the World on a Low Carbon Diet,” Time International, May 17, 2004.
  2. Natural Resources Canada, “Government of Alberta Signs International carbon Sequestration Agreement,” news release, Ottawa, June 25, 2003.
  3. Gordon Jaremko, “Carbon Emissions May Raise Well Yields,” Edmonton Journal, Jan. 20, 2004.

From The Great Canadian Oil Patch, pgs. 530 to 531, reprinted with kind permission of JuneWarren Publishing and Mr. Earle Gray


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