According to Canadian Association of Petroleum
Producers, 280,000 people were employed in the
energy industry in 1998. Another indication of the
importance of the petroleum industry was that in
2001 over a half a million Canadians were directly
and indirectly employed due to the petroleum
industry. Overall 2 percent of the total employment
in Canada is in the energy sector. The energy sector
in Canada is at the forefront of productivity growth
for several reasons. One was the increase in
education. Approximately 68 percent of workers in
the petroleum and gas sector have a post-secondary
education. A highly trained workforce equals
increased productivity. As well, the increase in
machine labour has affected productivity. Also with
new exploration made possible by technology, areas
all over Canada have been opening up such as the
Hibernia project. With this comes increased
employment and profits in the industry. In 1992, the
energy sector average annual income per hour
was $80.64. This industry outperforms the business
manufacturing and service sector by over 3.5 percent
in all cases.
The industry has been diversifying its workforce
in two main ways. Aboriginals make up
5 percent of the workforce, and this percentage will only increase
as the industry explores remote northern areas.
Today, women comprise 20 percent of the industry's
employment. This will expand as companies pursue
equal opportunity employment schemes. Also, many
government and schools are targeting women in their
ad campaigns to encourage women to pursue careers in
the energy sector. One area where industry leaders
are concerned is the aging population. Approximately
one quarter of the workforce in oil and gas are
forty-five or older. The industry as a whole has to work
together to attract younger workers. Many people
under the age of forty are not interested in the oil
and gas industry, partly due to the misconception
that it is not innovative or technologically
advanced. Many associations such as the Canadian
Association of Petroleum Producers are trying to
change this and inform the public about the
industry. A recent study was done on Western
Canadian Drilling Cycle Optimization. It looked at
the reasons and drivers behind completing most
seismic and drilling work in the fourth and first
quarters. The study addressed the negative impact on
the workers due to the seasonality of the jobs. Year
round stability and minimal requirement for work in
remote locations are needed to attract young