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When McMahon was getting ready to drill, the
northwest extremity of the quarter section was
occupied by a water storage pit, an integral part of Hector's water system.
Shortly after March 8,
because of the natural slope to the northwest,
bulldozers constructed a drainage system toward this
pond which then became the nucleus of a holding
facility for the run-away crude production. Its
capacity was increased by bulldozers beading up mud
and snow dykes. But as the snow melted during
break-up, leaks developed and some oil ran down the
north-south road allowance and got into the North
Saskatchewan River.
Bill McKellar recalls warning
Lyle that oil was leaking out but Caspell was
reported to have not paid attention to him. Don
Whitney, previously mentioned in Chapter 9, recalls
repairing the dyke wails especially after complaints
were heard of an oily taste in Edmonton's drinking
water. Bill McKellar, now retired at Blind Bay,
British Columbia, had just arrived in town and
noted: ''Turner Valley was in Leduc", because all
his friends had come there for the boom. He ran into
Cody Spencer, who took him on as lease foreman. His
crew's job was to prepare well sites, and dig
cellars. When the well blew out on March 8, Al
Wright, field superintendent, called him to arrange
the containment of the oil.
The second day after the
blow-out, heavy mud quieted the well down enough to
re-install the Hosmer, after several attempts. The
Viking was still kicking. The cold weather (-25Q F.)
slowed down clean-up operations and kept the crew
busy thawing out lines. Once again, let Hughie
Leiper pick up the story:
...It was 10 o'clock the
night after and we were using the two steam pumps
and Cody Spencer came up to me and from a reading of
the Cameron mud gauge and pumping down into the
well, the pressure was decreasing considerably and
Cody was all smiles and I can remember him yelling
in my ear: "Hughie, we got this thing licked". A few
minutes later, Dave Gray drove up and said "I just
drove by some shot holes about a quarter of a mile
away and there is mud and gas blowing up out of
them". Imperial Leduc No. 32, diagonal offset to No,
3 also had to shut down because of gas escaping up
into the boiler house.1
On March 11, when the 7 in. flow line was opened
to bleed off the gas, chunks of shale battered the
assembly until the 2 in. fill-up line elbow was
knocked off, Dave Gray comments: "This was all done
under Cody Spencer, the rest of us were having fits
(and) Cody was always grabbing the brake"!2 Over
the next week it was a repetition of cement jobs,
mud pressure on the drill pipe and leaks on the 7
in. flow line.
On March 15, Bill Kinghorn set up his
wire line unit and ran in with an impression block.
Kinghorn states he was up to his waist in oil at the
time. Upon retrieval, according to Kinghorn, the
impression block indicated that it had hit the Totco
ring at the top of the bit. Dave Gray tends to
dispute this because he thinks there should have
been cement there. The lubricator was then replaced
with a Halliburton circulating head.
At about this
time the decision was taken to shoot off the now
stuck drill pipe as near to the bit as possible,
pull it out and then go in and side-track. The first
step in this operation was to pump a rubber wiper
plug down to the bit and check its depth with the
Halliburton wire line unit. However, the sinker bar
stuck. Barber Machine made up a special cutter
actuated by a go-devil to be run on the wire to
sever it, This was accomplished at 2,000 ft., not at
total depth as was hoped.