as a nation-building attempt after Confederation, the Canadian
government negotiated a series of treaties with Aboriginal
peoples across Canada that would allow them rights to natural
resources and the lands necessary to build a national railway
that would link the country together. These treaties covered
most of Canada and delineated whom the
government recognized as a "Treaty Indian," or later a "Status
Indian." Signing of these treaties took place over a span of 50
years from 1871 to 1921. Eleven numbered treaties were signed in
total in which Aboriginal peoples had to agree to accept settlement on
reserves. Most also included reserve land based on the number of
Aboriginal peoples in a settlement, as well as agreements for
schooling, agricultural equipment and training, gifts and
annuities. Although these treaties covered most of Canadian
soil, they did not include all Native peoples. The Inuit people
never entered into treaty talks and Aboriginal peoples in
most of the northern expanse of James Bay and British Columbia
were not approached for treaty negotiations or settlements. The
Métis were also omitted from these treaties, their presence and
claims to the lands were largely ignored until much later.
Treaty Making: A New Relationship
the 1870s, after the Dominion of Canada had purchased
territorial rights to the Northwest from the Hudson's Bay
Company, the Canadian government made treaties with Aboriginal peoples
for their territory. With an eye towards
settling the Northwest, the government needed to not only secure
the lands it hoped to develop, but to ensure that there was no
danger of repeating the Indian wars that the Americans
experienced. Indeed, there was already unrest among the Métis at
Red River, who were not consulted about the transfer of power from
the tribe to the Dominion of Canada. The Red River Rebellion and
later, the Northwest Rebellion, were perfect examples of the
sort of uprising the government was trying to prevent.
The new government decided to extend its colonial approach to
Aboriginal peoples, a way of approaching them with an alliance
that would soothe them while the government got the land it so
desired. For Canada to establish control over its western
territories, and for the establishment of railways to
accommodate the growing influx of settlers from the American
west, Aboriginal peoples knew
their buffalo-hunting way of life was coming to an end. Canadian
expansion seemed to symbolize future dominance by the
new Canadian settlers, yet the Aboriginal peoples knew they
needed federal assistance to help them shift to a new way of
a people who had little experience with the European concept of
land ownership, there is no way Aboriginal peoples could
understand exactly what they were getting and what they were
giving up in the treaties. The language used in the treaties was
official in nature and European in origin,
a language that these people would find
difficult to understand. Even if the terms of the treaties had
been clearly translated (which they often were not), Aboriginal peoples were not economically or culturally prepared to
understand the politics behind the treaties. They believed the
treaties guaranteed them freedom to continue their traditional
lifestyle while protecting their future. The two parties
negotiating the early treaties rarely completely understood each
other. For example, in some areas, Aboriginal peoples were
under the impression that the land rights they were giving up
meant they would share resources with the Euro-Canadians and
allow the land to be farmed. When non-natives began digging
below the surface to the rich mineral beds below, it was seen by
the Aboriginal peoples as an unfulfilled promise of the

Alberta Treaties Overview, Part One
Summary: Find out what historians think treaties meant to the
government and the Aboriginal peoples who negotiated them. Begin your study of
treaty making here!