The contributions of Elders have been vital to the survival of
Aboriginal Peoples in Alberta and nationwide. Over the years,
Elders have offered their guidance to those who asked it of
them. They have contributed on a national scale in a number of
areas, including politics, science, education, and health.
The most important work done by Elders, however, goes largely
unnoticed by the public. It occurs constantly in tiny Aboriginal
communities across the province. It occurs with every beat of a
sacred drum, with a small prayer sent upwards to the Creator, or
with a sentence spoken in a traditional tongue. When wrinkled
hands weave sweetgrass into a thick braid for burning, or when
wise and gentle words of healing are spoken to a wounded young
soul, it is present. It is the passing down of traditional
Aboriginal culture to the younger generations.
The work of Elders is crucial to the preservation and
continuation of Aboriginal traditional culture. It is because of
Elders that the traditions practiced by Aboriginal Peoples today
continue to take place. Elders learned these rituals from their
grandparents and parents, and kept them locked in their memories
and hearts even during times of trial, when their culture was
threatened under the policy of assimilation. In the late 1970s,
the teachings of the Elders were rediscovered and there was a
return of many Aboriginal Peoples to the traditions of their
past. In return, the Elders recognized the importance of passing
down the sacred rituals and beliefs that they had held in their
hearts for so long. This healing movement continues today,
especially in the passing down of spiritual rituals and beliefs.
Elders’ involvement in spiritual rituals and ceremonies takes
place on many levels, and their roles vary depending on the
occasion. In ceremonies such as the Sweat Lodge, the Powwow, or
the Sun Dance, Elders play central roles. As ceremonial leaders,
they conduct the celebrations to ensure that the authenticity
and integrity of the spiritual practices is observed. In the
Sweat Lodge Ceremony, for example, an Elder will lead the
prayers and receive guidance from the Spirits, which may then be
translated for the others. Elders lead sacred drumming and
singing, and light the sacred pipe.
Elders also take part in traditional recreational activities
or in arts and crafts, sharing their knowledge in these areas
with their communities. They lead workshops and give talks on
Aboriginal culture in the hopes of making the spiritual and
cultural traditions of their ancestors more accessible to more
people. Elders do all these things because they hold deep
reverence for the sacred customs passed on to them by their
Elders, and recognize the importance of sharing with the younger
generations in the same way.
Elders also contribute on a more public level by working with
governments and institutions such as museums or universities.
They offer traditional insight on a number of pressing issues,
and have been instrumental to the development of new programs
that aid other Aboriginal Peoples. Recently, the federal
government instituted a number of programs, including the
Spiritual Services for Federal Inmates program, Native Liason
Services, and Aboriginal Addictions Treatment program, in which
Aboriginal prison inmates undergo rehabilitation with the help
of Elders. The Elders offer guidance to the inmates, helping
them heal by showing a patience and understanding that many of
the inmates have never experienced. They serve as a living link
to the customs and beliefs of their ancestors, who lived at
peace with the land and with each other. At the same time, they
offer cross-cultural education to prison administrators and
guards to aid in the rehabilitation process. They help instil
hope in the inmates, many of whom have felt only pain and
negativity in life.
The contributions of Elders span across many disciplines, and
their knowledge and insights can be instrumental to the
well-being of others. Some Elders devote their time to children,
visiting schools and burning sweetgrass, or sharing traditional
stories with curious Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children
alike. Others are present at official celebrations to offer
traditional blessings or opening prayers. Some of the most
important contributions take place at archaeological digs, where
Elders help in the identification of traditional Aboriginal
sites, artifacts and remains. They have also helped
anthropologists develop ethical guidelines for collecting,
displaying, and interpreting them in a respectful way. In this
way, they help us learn about the First Peoples while ensuring
that the honour of the sacred artifacts is observed.
At the University of Saskatchewan, Elders and healers are
helping in the medical field by sharing their immense knowledge
of traditional healing techniques with researchers who are
studying the ability of herbs and plants to aid in
cardiovascular health. The knowledge of how to use materials
from nature to treat different ailments has been part of the
Elders’ world for many generations. This talent is one that
takes many years of practice and that requires an incredibly
rich and precise knowledge of the land to master. Their
involvement in modern research will ensure that their traditions
are properly recorded and preserved while strengthening
community health care at the same time.1
What scale does one use to measure the contributions of
Aboriginal Elders? Just a small look into one of Alberta’s many
Aboriginal communities is enough to show that the contributions
of Elders go beyond what can be tangibly measured. Their work is
dedicated and ongoing. They have guided their communities
through times of joy and celebration, and during times of
distress, when healing was needed. As the Elders of today pass
on, they leave with their children the sacred traditions and
beliefs that will carry Aboriginal communities into the future
and create the next generation of Elders.
Canada. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. People to
People, Nation to Nation: Highlights from the Report of the
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa, The
Commission, 1996.