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Alberta Online Encyclopedia
Virtual Museum of Canada The Making of Treaty #8 in Canada's Northwest
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The Peoples, Their Places

The Peoples, Their Places


In recent times there has been an enormous amount of discussion focused on the "spirit and intent of Treaty 8, a direct result of the recent passing of the centennial anniversary of its signing. Not only has the debate greatly broadened the way in which we have traditionally interpreted the event and its significance, it has perhaps more significantly sparked a renewed interest in this particular stage of Canadian history amongst the First Nations people themselves. While such a debate is healthy and makes great strides towards a more holistic understanding of events, the peoples who took part in the treaty, as well as those affected by the treaty must not be left unnoticed. In this section we would like to share with you the stories of both the Treaty Party and the many First Nations bands who took part in the Treaty 8 process.

Northwest Dreaming: Treaty SuitNorthwind Dreaming - excerpts from the Provincial Museum of Alberta's exhibition catalogue detailing the history of a significant First Nations community, Fort Chipewyan and its role in the making of Treaty 8.


Through The Mackenzie Basin Cover ShotMair's Diary: Through the Mackenzie Basin - excerpts from the diary of Charles Mair, official secretary to the Treaty 8 Commission.


MoostoosThe Treaty Makers - biographic details of the people who made up the Treaty Commission and the First Nations signatories. This section also features profiles of the First Nations bands included in Treaty 8.