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Appennini Dancers Society

The Italian Appennini Dance Group was formed in 1979 with the purpose of promoting and displaying the Italian cultural traditions through folk dancing and music. The Group has been named after the Appennini Mountain Range, which extends from Northern to Southern Italy, to signify that it represents all Italian regions.
The Italian Appennini Dancers have performed at major festivals in: Edmonton, Calgary, Jasper, Banff, Lake Louise, and other Alberta towns; Saskatchewan; and various regions of Italy.
The Group performs regularly at the Edmonton Heritage Festival, Canada Day, Caboto Day, Santa Maria Goretti Day, Festival of Trees, Children’s Festival, etc. It also performs at various hospitals, nursing homes and shopping malls.
These activities not only help the members of the group to preserve their Italian culture, but it gives them the opportunity to share it with others by providing entertainment to the Canadian community at large.
Our Goals
• to provide the opportunity to its members to appreciate, learn and preserve the Italian cultural heritage, particularly Italian folk dancing;

• to present our Italian folk dancing within the Italian community and the Canadian community at large;

• to organize fund-raising activities to cover such costs as costumes, out-of-town performances, workshops and seminars, etc.

Appennini Dancers

Appennini Dancers

Andrea Melchionna

Andrea Melchionna