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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Origin and Settlementphotostidbitsglossarybiographiesstory and legendsVideopuzzles and game
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Big Bear

John Calihoo

Carry the Kettle

Dave Crowchild

James Gladstone






Red Crow

Shot Both Sides

Sitting Bull

Marie Rose Smith

Star Blanket

Henry Bird Steinhauer

Sweet Grass

Gerald Tailfeathers

Tom Three Persons

Big Bear, Cree Chief

Big Bear, Cree

Big Bear's birth date was not recorded, but we do know he was born on the Saskatchewan prairies. He was a skilled rider and respected leader. He rejected the idea of signing a Treaty for a number of years, not wanting to sign away his people's freedom. Finally, when his people were on the brink of starvation, he signed a Treaty in 1882. Big Bear was seen as troublesome by the Mounted Police, and after the Frog Lake Massacre in 1885 he was arrested and charged with treason/felony. He was found guilty and pleaded on behalf of his people to be pardoned. He served two years at Stony Mountain Penitentiary and died shortly after his release-many say from a broken spirit.



















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