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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Origin and Settlementphotostidbitsglossarybiographiesstory and legendsVideopuzzles and game
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Big Bear

John Calihoo

Carry the Kettle

Dave Crowchild

James Gladstone






Red Crow

Shot Both Sides

Sitting Bull

Marie Rose Smith

Star Blanket

Henry Bird Steinhauer

Sweet Grass

Gerald Tailfeathers

Tom Three Persons

Shot Both Sides, Blood Chief

Blood members of the Horn Society

Shot Both Sides was born in 1873. His grandfather was Chief Red Crow. In 1913 he became the Chief of the Blood reserve-one of the largest in Canada. He undertook farming and ranching on the reserve. Shot Both Sides developed the Kainai Chieftanship, which is an honorary society in which non-Aboriginal men receive an Aboriginal name. The society includes many influential figures and brought the Blood tribe much public attention. The Duke of Windsor was the first member, and in 1919 received the name of Chief Mountain. Some others included in the society are Rt. Hon. John Diefenbaker, known as Chief Many Spotted Horses, and Rt. Hon. Lester Pearson known as Chief Great Chief. Shot Both Sides was the honorary president, and was admired by many Canadians. He died at the age of 82.


















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