Marie Rose Smith, Métis Pioneer
Marie was born in 1861 and grew up along the banks of the Assiniboine River. Every year her family joined other Métis families to trek west to Fort Carlton.
Smith spent two years at St. Boniface school where she learned to read and write both English and French. At the age of sixteen,
Smith married Charley Smith, and for several years they led a nomadic lifestyle following the buffalo and working as traders. In 1881, the couple, who now had two children, settled on a homestead near Pincher Creek. The Smith's called their ranch Jughandle, and it was always open for those who needed a hand. In total, Marie Rose had 17 children. Sadly, five died as infants due to a shortage of doctors during that era. In 1909, the Smiths abandoned ranching and moved into Pincher Creek where they lived out the rest of their lives.
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