Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Origin and Settlementphotostidbitsglossarybiographiesstory and legendsVideopuzzles and game
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Big Bear

John Calihoo

Carry the Kettle

Dave Crowchild

James Gladstone






Red Crow

Shot Both Sides

Sitting Bull

Marie Rose Smith

Star Blanket

Henry Bird Steinhauer

Sweet Grass

Gerald Tailfeathers

Tom Three Persons

Red Crow, Chief of Blood People of Southern Alberta

Red Crow, head chief of the Bloods

Red Crow was born in 1830 near present day Lethbridge. He was also known as Mekaisto. His father was Black Bear and his first name was Sitting White Buffalo. Red Crow inherited a specialty for stealing horses from the Snake people. He became Chief after his father's death in 1870. He signed Treaty 7 and took a reserve between the Oldman River and St. Mary River in Southern Alberta. He was one of the first of the Blood People to build a log house, to grow grain and to keep cattle. He died in 1900.




















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