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Dalum: Dalum is situated 15 kilometres south of Drumheller, and it got its start thanks to a Danish group called the Dansk Folksanfund. The Dansk Folksanfund had been organized under the leadership of F.L. Grundtvif. It was a group of men and women from various Danish communities that wanted to strengthen the cultural heritage of Danish-American immigrants here on the North American continent. In 1916, representatives of the Dansk Folksanfund made contact with the Canadian Pacific railroad company, and soon negotiations were under way for a tract of land for a colony in Alberta. J. Grigerson and Jens Frass, both of Chicago, were sent on a trip to Alberta, and in 1917, reserved land for a settlement of Danish people. The area was settled in 1917, 1918 or so, and named Dalum, after Mr. Frass' hometown in Denmark. The town of Dalum in Denmark was well-known for its agricultural school so the settlers at Dalum, Alberta were well prepared to take up homesteading.

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Scandinavian Place Names