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The special purpose in presenting this Plan Book is to simplify the problem of home building for our customers. There are a number of designs that will be found adaptable to any community.
In selecting the design of a house there are a number of points that should be taken into consideration. The location of the house is a very important feature, it should be so placed that the grounds and other surroundings contribute to the unity and harmony of the entire design. Often this point is over-looked and an otherwise attractive house is marred in its effect by being out of harmony with the surroundings.
The problem of building a house only comes to most once in their lifetime, and no greater calamity in a material way may befall an owner than to discover, when the building is complete, that some arrangement or the appearance is unsuitable. This often proves to be the case when houses are built without carefully prepared plans.
Never attempt to build without proper plans to work from.
Here are some of the things that happen to the man who attempts to build without the necessary plans. He wastes material and his workmen lose time. Both of these items entail greater expense and endless worry over mistakes, and, furthermore, when the house is completed it lacks style.
In the preparation of the plan book great care has been exercised in the selection of the designs, and special effort has been made to provide for the most economical construction throughout, thereby giving the home builder the benefit of a considerable saving both in time and cost of materials.
We have studied economy in construction, and our knowledge of all the material that enters into a house, qualifies us to give you the best for your money.
After giving the designs shown in this book careful study, select your choice and write us for quotation on the material needed for building, and we will forward you a guaranteed price on the lumber and millwork delivered to your station.
EatonŐs Ideal Homes Plan Book: Eaglebank barn design. EatonŐs Ideal Homes Plan Book: Easter Bank barn design.
EatonŐs Ideal Homes Plan Book: Eaglesholme house design. EatonŐs Ideal Homes Plan Book: Earlswood house design.

Introduction to an early edition of an Eaton's home-building catalogue Reprinted courtesy of the City of Edmonton Archives

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