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Forest Fire

Because much of this region is blanketed by trees, fire is a very real threat to the region, particularly if the province experiences an unusually dry summer. If conditions are too dry, fire is a crucial disturbance factor in the boreal ecoregion. However, while forest fires can be very disruptive for wildlife as well as local communities in the boreal region they are not completely negative in terms of environmental impact. They can actually facilitate the destruction of old, diseased trees along with the pests that are associated with those trees. Many animals are able to escape natural fires and some trees such as aspen and jack pine actually require fires to stimulate their reproductive cycles. Furthermore, the nutrient-rich ash left behind helps fuel plant growth. A patchy mosaic of plant communities left in the wake of fire action provides the variety required to sustain different species of wildlife.

A raging forest fire.

A raging forest fire.