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Pylpow, Ivan

Ivan Pylypow was one of the first two Ukrainian settlers to arrive in Canada. In 1891 he and Wasyl Eleniak came to Canada in search of the free land they had heard about from visitors to their hometown of Nebyliv, district Kalusz, Galicia, Austria (now Western Ukraine). After spending a few months in Canada he returned to his homeland in 1892 with the intention of bringing over to Canada his family for permanentsettlement. He returned to Canada on the S.S. Laurentian, landing at Quebec in May 1893 with his family and soon after filed his application for homestead. He eventually got a spot near the Edna settlement. His application for a homestead in Edna was granted in 1894 and that is where he built his family homestead and lived out the rest of his life. He died in an accident in 1936. His farmhouse has been designated an historic building and now resides at the Ukrainian Cultural HeritageVillage, located east of Edmonton.