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Ranch: In many ways southern Alberta has come to be defined by its ranches. Places like the Bar U Ranch and the Cochrane Ranch serve to evoke images of the "Wild West" for many - an era made (in)famous in movies, novels and television programs of the twentieth century. However, ranching in Alberta developed generally much later than its American counterpart and lasted for only a very brief period, following the depletion of the prairie buffalo herd and diminishing with the opening of the West to settlement and a succession of harsh winters.

While most of the technology and methods for ranching were adopted from the American
cowboy experience, the ranch-hands on these early Alberta ranches were just as likely to be the sons of the British upper middle classes as they were the rough and tumble American cowboy.

For more on the Ranching era (1880-1908) in Alberta, visit Alberta: Home, Home on the Plains!

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Stampede Ranch

Bar U Ranch Part 1