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Sarcee Nation: Also known as the 'tsotli'na" (earth people) or tsuu t'ina (many people) the Sarcee are said to be a splinter tribe of the Beaver nation. According to one theory the Sarcee split from their parent nation and were driven south by the Cree during the mid-18th century. Similar to the Blackfoot in customs and traditions such as the Sun Dance, funeral and marriage rites as well as their connection to the buffalo hunt, the Sarcee spoke in the Athapaskan tongue. They gained a reputation for being a brave people and their territory ranged from Peace River in the north to Red Deer in the south. After signing Treaty #7, they were to share a reserve with the Siksika and the Blood on the Bow River but, instead, resumed their nomadic lifestyle. Eventually they settled on 2800 hectares of land on the western outskirts of Calgary.

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Treaty 7