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Settlers, Chinese

In the generation preceding 1925, Chinese urban communities in Alberta experienced considerable growth, both in terms of the number of Chinese residents and of the number of Chinese businesses in Chinatowns and elsewhere. Overall immigration to Canada was not significant in the decade after 1892, but after 1902 the policies of the Minister of the Interior, Clifford Sifton, opened an era of immigration which resulted in the Canadian West being truly settled. During the rather chaotic "boom" years from 1902 to 1910, over 400 Chinese settled in Calgary, about 140 settled in Edmonton, and others found a livelihood in such centres as Lethbridge and Medicine Hat.

Chinese who settled in Alberta had arrived hoping to take advantage of increased opportunities, and many new Chinese businesses were established after 1902. Because of cultural barriers and the continuing discrimination against them, most newly arrived Chinese had virtually no choice except to work at menial occupations. Chinese business enterprises in Alberta were predominantly restaurants, laundries, and grocery stores.

Sam Wing

Sam Wing

Wong Yet store, Olds, Alberta.

Wong Yet store, Olds, Alberta.