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Slovenian, Culture

Today there are substantial Slovenian communities in Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge. A Slovenian-Canadian Association can be found in Calgary and Edmonton where both Slovenian communities celebrate a cultural day each year in which the folk art and traditions of Slovenia are put on display for the greater community. The centre of cultural activities in the two cities is the Slovenian cultural hall, which is used for banquets, social and other functions. Founded in 1990, the Canadian Slovenian Congress promotes ties between organizations nationally and internationally and takes on many research and charitable projects.

The Edmonton branch of the Slovenian-Canadian Cultural Society has established a choir, dance group and dance bands which perform on a regular basis. The Slovenian communities hold picnics during the summer and organize sleigh rides for children in the winter. Many of the Slovenian facilities are open to the general public and are used by local youth groups. During Edmonton's Heritage Days, Slovenian Canadians perform traditional dances and songs, and offer delicacies from Slovenian kitchens.