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St Paul, Settlement

On April 10th, 1909, the dream of a Métis colony was abandoned and St. Paul des Métis was officially opened to outside settlers. Potential homesteaders had lined up all morning at the Dominion Government Land Office, hoping to get first crack at the area’s rich farm land. Many small businesses also emerged, aiming to capitalize on the arrival of new customers, and the tiny town of St. Paul began to take shape as a developing western settlement. Hotels, a lumberyard, a post office and telegraph office, and supply stores were among the first enterprises to line the streets of St. Paul.

Many of the new arrivals at the Land Agency were French settlers from the surrounding areas and Quebec. However, homesteaders from all backgrounds, including Ukraine and the United Kingdom, were also eager to stake their claim. Over the next decade, the town blossomed. By the roaring Twenties there was a town council and in 1936, St. Paul was officially granted village status.

Homestead Rush

Homestead Rush