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Stephansson, Stephen G.

Stephan G. Stephansson was born in Iceland in 1853 and died at Markerville, Alberta in 1927. Stephan G. Stephansson has been called the greatest poet of the western world.
During the seventy-three years of his life, he published more than two thousand pages.
That he was able to produce so much of such a high quality is all the more remarkable considering the conditions under which he wrote.

Stephansson was a farmer: he had been born on a farm in Iceland and he died as a farmer in west central Alberta. Working from dawn to dusk clearing land, grubbing roots, ploughing, seeding, stooking, and threshing would have discouraged a lesser man, but Stephan Stephansson could not ignore the creative urge of his genius.

In 1976 the government of Alberta paid homage to her pioneer son by declaring his home a Provincial Historic Resource.

Stephan G. Stephansson

Stephan G. Stephansson



